What to Expect

What to Expect

What to Expect


New patients may schedule your appointment by filling out the information here or by calling the office at 515-304-4263

Initial consult (First appointment)

  • Please allow 60 minutes for your initial consult

  • At this appointment we will

    • Review health history

    • Establish health goals

    • Plan next steps based on your goals including getting updated labs if needed.

    • Schedule follow up appointment

Follow up appointments

  • Please allow 30 minutes for follow up appointments

  • At these appointments we will

    • Review any lab work that was completed

    • Discuss updates from previous visit

    • Review/update medications and recommended supplements

    • Update plan of care

Same day/Sick Visits

*Note we are NOT an urgent care and do not treat wounds, breaks or lacerations

  • These appointments are reserved for established patients only (Not available for new patients)

  • At this appointment we will

    • Discuss only ONE concern that came on quickly and is needing treatment same day. Some examples include:

      • UTI (urinary tract infection)

      • URI (upper respiratory infection)

      • Worsening symptoms of an already established concern

none 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM Closed Closed medicine # # # https://www.optimantra.com/optimus/patient/patientaccess/prospects?pid=TVhMUm5tamF3UWFSaWRsbmlaRmNUQT09